Mindset Wizardry
The magic behind thriving in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world.
Book Excerpt 8 - Facing Fears
One of the best ways to deal with your change-related fears is to face them head-on. When you do this, you will often find that things are not as scary as you made them out to be in your mind.
Starting a Business
Over the last two years, I have gained a new appreciation for the importance of marketing to raise awareness and to build a brand. Social media plays a much bigger role than I realized when I was working in large companies and didn't really have to think about it too much.
World Changing Ideas
Each year, Fast Company sponsors the World Changing Idea Awards to recognize some of the game changing ideas that address some of the biggest challenges we face.
Book Excerpt 7 - Energy
A good metaphor for VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) is flying an airplane through a thunderstorm. Similar to VUCA, a storm is charged with negative energy. This makes it difficult to navigate, unless you have learned how to harness your own energy as a superpower.
Turning Changes into Habits
Tony Robbins famously said, "For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent." Do you agree with this? When you make a change, what actions do you take to sustain the change?
Book Excerpt 6 - Agility
When facing significant change, it is tempting to want to study everything you are seeing. You want to analyze. You want to figure it out.
Words Matter
Did you know that June 1 is "National Say Something Nice" day? Most of our parents told us "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Our parents taught us this because once we say something nasty, we can't take it back --- it's out there. This is especially true on social media --- our words live on...
Book Excerpt 5 - Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success, helping individuals cope more effectively with a VUCA storm.
Journey or Destination?
Back in 2001, I climbed Mount Fuji with my friend, Mike. It wasn't a technical climb, it was more of a hike in high altitude. We did this very soon after I landed in Japan so I was a bit loopy from the jetlag. Probably not the best idea but we did it anyway.
A Game versus B Game
Like many people, I've struggled with perfectionism. One thing that helps me is recognizing when something needs to be "great" versus when it is OK to deliver "good".
Book Excerpt 4 - Grit
According to Angela Duckworth, author of the book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, grit is the passion and sustained persistence applied to long term achievement. Grit combines resilience, ambition and self-control in the pursuit of goals.
Book Excerpt 3 - Control
Worry and anxiety often stem from a lack of control. When facing extreme change, it is a natural tendency to worry about things we cannot control.
Book Excerpt 2 - Growth Mindset
Developing the growth mindset is essential when dealing with the conditions associated with VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).
Mental Health Awareness
Everyone faces mental health challenges at some point in their life - it could be grief, stress or a challenge that would benefit from professional help such as depression or anxiety. One thing that can help EVERYONE is finding a way to decrease stress levels by focusing on things that you can control.
Book Excerpt 1 - Fear
Fear is in your head and often comes from questioning. “What if I fail? What if, what if, what if?” You need to stop questioning, “what if” and begin asking yourself more actionable questions that provide a sense of control.
Lesson #6 From Writing Our Book
Lesson #6 - Invest the time to learn and outsource key items to professionals with more experience.
Everyone is familiar with the feelings associated with VUCA, even if they haven’t heard the acronym (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity).
This blog is dedicated to solving the mysteries associated with VUCA and providing information that will connect you to the magic behind learning to thrive in a VUCA state.