
Originally posted on Linked In 5/18/2022

Caffeine is my biggest vice, it's got a hold stronger than a puppy with a new squeaky toy. I start the day with coffee☕ and then shift to Diet Coke. I tried to quit once and it didn't go team told me that I was too mean and grumpy without it. That was about 20 years ago and I decided that it was probably better for everyone that I interact with to see me FULLY caffeinated.

In order to start a new behavior (or to stop one), your mindset and behaviors need to be aligned. It is the ONLY way to succeed. This starts with a compelling reason to stop (or start) and actions that are aligned with these behaviors. Social support and reinforcement also help! I didn't quit caffeine because my mindset and behaviors were not aligned and I didn't have a compelling reason to stop.

What successes and failures have you had with starting or stopping a behavior?


A Game versus B Game


Book Excerpt 4 - Grit