Book Excerpt 1 - Fear

Originally posted on Linked In April 29. 2022

Fear is in your head and often comes from questioning. What if I fail? What if, what if, what if? You need to stop questioning, "what if" and begin asking yourself more actionable questions that provide a sense of control:

◉ What am I going to focus on?

◉ What do I have? (instead of what am I missing?)

◉ What can I control? (instead of what is out of my control?)

...Keep your vision in the future but your actions to face VUCA in the present. Focus on what you can control while continuing your mission.

If you like this small nugget of knowledge, you'll LOVE our book, Mindset Wizardry - the Magic Behind Thriving in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World.


Mental Health Awareness


Lesson #7 From Writing Our Book