Words Matter

Originally posted on Linked In 6/1/2022

Did you know that June 1 is "National Say Something Nice" day?

Most of our parents told us "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Our parents taught us this because once we say something nasty, we can't take it back --- it's out there. This is especially true on social media --- our words live on...

Unfortunately, we have to listen to a lot of negativity these days and the purpose of this day is to change this by making this day a bit more pleasant for everyone. It is an opportunity to counteract the lack of civility and bullying that is common in today's world and it will hopefully inspire more kindness.

A challenge for today is to think about someone that you know who is genuine and kind and think about how to emulate them today. Here are a few ideas: (1) Assume the people you interact with have positive intentions and say something nice, even if you're irritated with them. (2) Resist the urge to post negative things on social media (3) Say something nice to someone.


Book Excerpt 6 - Agility


Book Excerpt 5 - Emotional Intelligence