Mental Health Awareness

Originally posted on Linked In 5/1/2022

May is Mental Health Awareness month. Everyone faces mental health challenges at some point in their life - it could be grief, stress or a challenge that would benefit from professional help such as depression or anxiety. One thing that can help EVERYONE is finding a way to decrease stress levels by focusing on things that you can control.

These are a few simple tips for stress reduction:

1) Get some exercise - getting your body moving can do wonders for your stress levels - some ideas include taking a walk, joining an exercise class or playing with your dog.

2) Do something creative - you could draw, paint, sculpt, play music, sing, write - whatever energizes you. You don't need to be good at it to get enjoyment from the activity.

3) Laugh - read a funny story, joke around with a friend or watch an amusing video.

4) Create a retreat - set up a quiet and calm space in your home where you can relax without interruption. You could use this space for journaling & reflection, yoga, meditation or prayer - whatever works best for you.

5) Reduce your exposure to stressful things - identify the things that cause stress and find a way to take a break from them. For example, if you are constantly interrupted by texts and calls, you might want to take a break from your smart phone for a couple of hours.

6) Start and end your day with something that brings you joy. For example, you could start your day with your favorite cup of coffee or tea and read a chapter of a good book before you go to bed.

Our book, Mindset Wizardry - the Magic Behind Thriving in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World contains many practical tips like these. You can learn more by visiting our website Our book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo.


Book Excerpt 2 - Growth Mindset


Book Excerpt 1 - Fear