Throwback Thursday - Technology Changes

Change is accelerating and will continue to do so. No one wants to be left behind.

I was thinking about technology changes the other day. I remember getting my first cell phone in the 1990’s. It was big and clunky. You had to raise an antenna in order to use it. If I wanted to take it with me, I needed a large purse. The cell phones started to get smaller as the decade moved on – I migrated to various flip phones and then a flip phone with a nifty camera. I thought that I was pretty darn stylish with my tiny phone. Before too long, we started to see the early smart phones --- remember the Blackberry? It was pretty awesome back then --- well, it was until the iPhone came out. Today, if I misplace my iPhone, I panic --- I absolutely can't live without this device! I'm sure you can relate.

What thoughts do you have on technology evolution on this "Throwback Thursday"?


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