How do you prefer to learn?

Everyone has different learning preferences.

⭐Visual learners - people who prefer to learn by observing and explain through visual means. They enjoy pictures, charts and taking notes. Visual learners often enjoy creating frameworks and illustrating concepts.

⭐Auditory learners - people who prefer to learn by listening. They enjoy listening to lectures or podcasts and often use their own voice to reinforce new concepts and ideas. Group discussions are effective for this type of learner.

⭐Kinesthetic learners - learn by experiencing and doing things in a hands-on way. Practicing new skills and/or roleplays can work well for this type of learner.

⭐Reading/Writing learners - prefer to learn through the written word. They prefer to learn by reading books and articles and often memorize concepts by writing them. Self-paced cases work well for this type of learner.

How do you like to learn? Read a book/article, listen to a podcast, watch You Tube, or do you prefer to tinker with something until you figure it out? When you are facing extreme change, does your preferred learning style adapt?


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