Lessons from Riding a Mule

Originally posted on Linked In 6/27/2022

Last week, I was visiting Utah for the first time with my family. We took a day trip to Bryce Canyon National Park where we did a trail ride with horses and mules down and up the canyon. The experience inspired me to share these thoughts based on what I was thinking about while riding my mule, Disco.

Lesson #1 - Leadership

When doing this type of trail ride, the mule knows more than you about the best path. Use your reins to gently guide, not steer and provide some positive encouragement along the way. I saw this as good a metaphor for leading a team of experienced people - provide strategic guidance and then let the team do their thing and recognize their success.

Lesson #2 - Sit Up Straight and Show Confidence in the Saddle

A trail ride that zig zags on a narrow path down a canyon is can be scary and you sometimes feel like you could fall. As you are riding, you transmit your energy to the mule. When you sit up straight, you are more comfortable and more balanced. You are also calmer and more confident. I equate this to facing a fear or new situation. A few deep breaths and a straight posture (or power pose) make you feel more confident and ready to take on a new challenge.

Lesson #3 - Slow Down and Appreciate the Moment

I am one of those people who has difficulty slowing my mind down - my brain is always going. During this ride, I eventually found a way to let go of my thoughts and just be in the moment...appreciating the wonders of nature and truly relaxing and enjoying quality time with my family.


Book Excerpt 9 - Blue Screen of Death


Book Excerpt 8 - Facing Fears