Book Excerpt 9 - Blue Screen of Death

Originally posted on Linked In 6/30/2022

When Javier and I were writing our book, we interviewed many executives and owners of successful businesses. The information and insights they shared helped us craft our assessments, our framework and many examples that we used in our book. Today, I thought it would be fun to share a great quote from one of our executive interviews that we included in Mindset Wizardry - the Magic Behind Thriving in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World.

This fantastic quote was from Brian Formato, the founder of Groove Management: "You can equate VUCA to the blue screen of death in your computer, You can cope with this by hitting control-alt-delete. Control what you can, alternate or pivot in a new direction, and delete the things you can't control."




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