Igniting the Star Within - Managing Your Energy - Part 2

By Javier Iglesias – Mindset Wizardry

Igniting the Star Within - Managing your Energy – PART 2

In our last blog post, we talked about a metaphor for people who energize others and those who drain energy. We categorized people into three simple categories:

STARs – create energy in others through optimism, generosity, and leadership

Satellites – capture energy and influenced by others

Black Holes – drain energy from others through negativity and conflict

We asked you to think about whether you are an energy giver or energy drainer for the people whose lives you touch.

If you are a STAR or aspiring STAR, here are some tips that you can use to ignite the STAR within you:

1)    Assess the energy that you project – reflect on how you show up to others.

Ask the people you know if you are an energy giver or energy taker. Listen without judgment. Show gratitude for the feedback. Remember, this is how you show up to others, so you need to own it.

Observe other people. Look for examples of energy givers and notice what they do. Look for people who drain energy and notice how they behave. Pay attention to:

  • Difference in language used

  • Behaviors & actions – how they handle positive and challenging situations, how they react to others

  • Body language – for example, how they sit and stand

2)    Practice “Energy Giver” habits: Incorporate more positive habits into your daily routine such as maintaining a healthy work-life balance, practicing meditation or deep breath breaks, exercise, sleep habits, mindfulness, creativity and stress reduction. Focus on living in the present moment versus dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

3)    Guard and protect your mind from negativity - Remember that our attitude is a reflection of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. When you feed your mind with more positivity, while reducing exposure to negativity you will change your mindset. This change will show up in your behavior towards others.

4)    Nurture your connections and associations: Surround yourself with STARs and avoid the black holes. Become an ignitor of other STARs, every time you interact with the thousands of satellites out there. Transfer your positive energy, ignite and inspire people. Practice gratitude, share ideas, and help others succeed.

Are you ready to ignite the STAR within you and help others ignite theirs?


Boosting Your Brainpower


Igniting the Star Within - Managing Your Energy - Part 1