Boosting Your Brainpower

How Brain Power and Focus Make You Happier, More Productive and Luckier

We often hear that being more confident, believing in yourself, and regularly thinking positive thoughts will help you to feel happier and to even influence your life in a positive way. But here’s another factor you might not have considered: brain power. Did you know that mental focus, creativity, sharpness, and more can help to make you happier and even luckier?

Those who are more optimistic tend to notice opportunities more because they are less stressed. But similarly, you could notice even more opportunities by being more alert and switched on – in other words, by exercising your mental discipline.

Mental discipline requires energy and focus. If you're groggy and easily distracted, you won't be able to exert the necessary discipline to change negative thoughts when they appear. Also, you will be less likely to notice opportunities.

So how do you boost your brain power?

  • MORE ENERGY: Start by getting more and better quality sleep. You can also increase energy by eating a healthy diet. Some people also believe that supplements such as Omega 3 fatty acids and creatine are useful for improving focus. Exercise will also increase energy.

  • MEMORY: Improving your memory and pattern recognition can help you notice opportunities. It is important to keep your mind active.

  • FLOW STATE: Get into that mental state (often called “the zone”) where everything seems effortless and just flows. This is when you find yourself in a state of energized focus, with full involvement and enjoyment of the activity. In this state, your brain will flood itself with helpful neurotransmitters such as dopamine, anandamide and norepinephrine which work together to further enhance pattern recognition, reflexes, attention, and creativity. They also enhance performance and induce pleasure.

 How do you get yourself into the zone?

  • ESTABLISH CLEAR GOALS: Convince your brain that what you are doing is hugely important. Connect it to a clear goal.

  • BE PASSIONATE: Be passionate about your task. People who love what they do are happier and more focused.

  • FOCUS ATTENTION: Reduce distractions and don’t multi-task – focus your attention on one thing at a time. This will reduce your stress and keep you focused.

  • REFLECT: When you are in flow state, notice the steps that get you into this state. For example, where are you? What are you doing? How are you feeling? If you can replicate these conditions, it could help you get back into the zone again.

When you boost your brainpower, you will find that you are happier, more productive, and luckier because you will be tuned in to new possibilities and opportunities.


 Resource: “The Neuroscience of Flow State: Effects on Sports Athletes” by C. Wilson Meloncelli


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