Igniting the Star Within - Managing Your Energy - Part 1

By Javier Iglesias – Mindset Wizardry

Did you know that one of the secrets to the magic behind thriving in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world is the power of positivity?

Why? Because positivity is at the core of our attitude. It is especially critical when it comes to facing a VUCA world filled with unknowns. Being positive in the midst of uncertainty is key to overcoming adversity and thriving in it.

Have you ever noticed that there are some people who always have a smile or a word of encouragement for others, regardless of their own circumstances? These people also like to engage in random acts of kindness towards others. These are the people that shine wherever they go, as if there is light coming out of them. We like to call these individuals a “STAR”. What is our rationale?

✅People who fit this description are STARs because their attitude translates into actions that illuminate their path. They have an inner light within, that positively impacts and influences others with whom they interact.

✅STAR is also an acronym for a formula which can help individuals structure their responses to the circumstances around them. The letters stand for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. They evaluate a situation or need, define a task (like helping someone in need), define an action (like practicing an act of kindness, gentleness, or encouragement) and as a consequence, they obtain a positive result (or response). This is centered on their past or current attitudes, and their experience. It models their behaviors.

We believe that there is a STAR within each one of us. People can choose whether to ignite the STAR within them. A STAR chooses optimism, an attitude of gratitude and generosity towards others. A STAR looks for possibilities rather than barriers. They find a way to move forward, bringing other people along in the process. STARs do what they can to make their environment a better place. In other words, the STAR creates positive energy for everyone around them.

Continuing with our metaphor of the cosmos…if a person opts not to be a STAR, they might be a satellite. In this case, they can only reflect the light when a STAR is nearby, and they orbit around something else. If we translate this to a person, it would be the individual who plays a more neutral role. When facing change, these folks would not be the early adopters. Instead, they will wait and see what happens and let someone else take the lead. These individuals typically absorb energy from other people rather than generating a lot of energy on their own.

In the worst-case scenario, the individual could become a black hole where they would suck the energy away from others in their path. They would drain the energy from other people and instill negativity, creating toxic situations such as conflict within a group.

Think about this…you are either an energy giver or energy drainer for the people whose lives you touch. If you focus on becoming a STAR, you will be an energy giver. 

Which description sounds most like you today? Are you a STAR, an aspiring STAR, a satellite, or a black hole?

In our next blog, we will share some tips for igniting the STAR within you.


Igniting the Star Within - Managing Your Energy - Part 2


The Magic Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone