The Magic Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

Do you enjoy being in your comfort zone? To some degree, you probably do – it is where you feel confident and competent and you can do things efficiently and effectively. The downside of the comfort zone is that you stop challenging yourself and focus on doing the things you know so you can minimize stress and risk.

There are several compelling reasons why getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing.

  1. You will be more productive. When you take on a new challenge or try a new approach to a problem, you will push your boundaries. You will start looking at things differently and discover more efficient and effective ways of doing things, eventually increasing your productivity.

  2. You will develop and grow. You will learn new things by expanding your knowledge, skills and experience. This will build confidence and increase your potential. Even when things don’t go well as you experiment outside of your comfort zone, you will learn from the experience.

  3. It will improve your resilience. You will be more adaptable to change because you are exposing yourself to unfamiliar things. The more you do this, the more confidence you build in your ability to stay composed when facing new challenges. This will also help you become a better decision maker and make you less likely to make mistakes.

So what are some tips for overcoming your fears of leaving your comfort zone?

  1. Gather information – the more you know about a new situation or challenge, the less scary it becomes. You can research the topic online and talk to subject matter experts. You will then be better prepared to take on the new challenge.

  2. Create a plan to expand your boundaries - You should start by identifying potential obstacles that you’ll face and how you will overcome them. Write down and commit to the steps you will take.

  3. Take small steps to get familiar with the new situation – ease yourself into the challenge by taking on small tasks to get familiar with the situation. Start with the easiest tasks to build your confidence and momentum.

  4. Find other people who can help you – if you declare your intention to move beyond your comfort zone, other people can serve as accountability partners and coaches. You are more likely to stick to a commitment when you tell others about it. Also, it will be easier for you to ask for help if you need it.

  5. Keep a positive attitude – prepare yourself to face obstacles and negative outcomes. Look at them as opportunities to learn rather than failures. Seek opportunities to put a positive spin on the situation.

As we mentioned in a previous blog entry, going outside your comfort zone can be scary but at the same time, it can be exciting, exhilarating and even fun. If you want to create some magic, you need to explore the world outside of your comfort zone.


Igniting the Star Within - Managing Your Energy - Part 1


Mindset Coaching