Change on Your Terms

Originally posted on Linked In 7/15/2022

Friday Food for Thought - a quote from Jack Welch, “Change before you have to.”

Would you rather change on your own terms or change because you are forced to do it? I know that I prefer to take charge of change, whenever that is possible. The key to doing this is to focus on the things that you control and to act. Here are some examples:

✅Changing your mindset or attitude about something - looking at it through a different lens

✅Changing your behaviors or habits: eating, sleeping, exercise, etc.

✅Taking more control of your finances by curtailing spending and saving more

Of course, we cannot take charge of all the changes in our life, but we can always control how we perceive the change and the actions we take in response to it.


Laughter is the best medicine


Book Excerpt 11 - Learning from Failures