Plane Conversations

I have a confession --- I don't like being in the middle seat on a plane. Like many people, I prefer the aisle seat.

I was recently on a flight to Dallas and was bummed that I ended up in the middle seat. It was a quick flight so I figured I could just put on my headphones and zone out to a podcast.

Instead, I ended up in an engaging dialogue with the woman who sat in the aisle seat. In our conversation, I learned that she is a cancer survivor, dog lover and mountain climber. She told me a couple inspiring stories about her life experiences and how her faith helped her persevere. I encouraged her to write a book (or screenplay) and I hope she does it. These stories could easily become a best-selling book or a movie.

I left the conversation inspired by this woman that I met on a plane. Things happen for a reason and I'm happy that I ended up in the middle seat on this flight.


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