Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

When we are in our comfort zones, we think our normal thoughts, we execute our daily routines and don't take risks. We are as comfortable as a cat napping on a pillow. We are satisfied, we are complacent, we are on auto-pilot.

However, when we stay in our comfort zones, we don't learn, we don't grow and we don't really live our lives to the fullest. Going outside our comfort zones can be scary but it can also be exciting, exhilarating and even fun. Think about a time when you recently did this. How did you feel? What was the result?

I remember the first time I took an overseas assignment in China in the 90s, I was COMPLETELY outside my comfort zone. I didn't understand the language, the culture, how to get around and how to get things done. I decided to jump out of my comfort zone. I made friends and asked questions. I got comfortable with the differences, and I adapted. I took on challenges at work that few people in their 20s would have attempted. I learned more in 6 months than I would have learned in 5 years had I followed a traditional career progression in the US and this positioned me well to advance.

The magic doesn't happen in your comfort zone, it happens when you venture outside it.


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