A Conversation with Your 80-Year-Old Self

In a recent blog, we shared a letter that I addressed to my 8-year-old self. This is a powerful exercise to reflect on your life, and it helps you gain perspective on your fears. There are only two people in this world that you need to make proud: the 8-year-old version of you and the 80-year-old version of you. By focusing on these, you will know how you contributed to the world and that your life had significance and impact. 

Why is this conversation (exercise) equally important to the 80-year-old self? Simply because everyone must choose one of two pains - the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Which pain are you willing to suffer? This conversation is key to addressing this question.

Now let’s dive into the conversation with our 80-year-old self.

Imagine for a moment that you have the opportunity and privilege to travel into the future and meet with your 80-year-old self. What would you share? What would you ask? I am sure that you will be enormously proud to talk about your accomplishments, but you would also want to ask about regrets you would have when you are 80 years old, so you would be able to prevent them. This allows you to capitalize on the learning from when you were 8 years old, and to know when you need to endure the pain of discipline now to avoid the pain of regret later.


Dear Eighty-year-old Me,

I’m coming to you from your past-self. I know. Sounds crazy, right?

It is an honor to be here with you. I am really amazed about how fast time travels.

I know you know what I am about to tell you about my life. I would love to ask you some things, because I need your help addressing one challenge that I am facing today.

  • What advice can you give me that would prevent me from having regrets when I’m you?

  • What would it take for me to say, “I lived a fulfilling life”?

  • How can I start living a life without regrets, so I don’t keep saying, “I wish I had….”?

Sincerely Yours,

Current Me


Dear Current Me,

You have come a long way. I am glad that our 8-year-old self followed your advice to get you where you are. Let me share some pearls of wisdom that will help you make some choices to live a more fulfilling life.

  • Always pay attention to who you are becoming in the pursuit of your dreams.

  • Honor your virtues and values and live by them, no matter what.

  • Ask yourself: If today is the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do?

  • Forgive anyone you need to forgive. Let go of resentments and move on.

  • Dreams and memories are a powerful gift. Create more of them.

  • Stop wasting so much time on meaningless things.

  • Express your feelings and spend quality time with yourself, your family, and your friends.

  • Challenge your beliefs and take risks. Anything that has the potential to improve your life involves risk. Embrace it.

  • Master the art of discomfort. Failure isn’t final. It’s just a life lesson. Never let perfection get in the way of better.

  • Start that project or business that you’ve always wanted to do. Just START.

  • Consistency, discipline, and perseverance over time compound so SHOW UP.

  • Focus on the current thing, before you begin thinking about the next thing. Everything good begins with being present.

  • Remember that time is the only priceless commodity you have. It is the only one that once it’s gone, it will NEVER come back.

Please stop worrying and start living. Remember that life is not a problem to be solved, it’s a mystery to be lived. Live life without trying to hack it. Focusing on the easy way all the time will give you a meaningless life without challenges and the growth associated with them.

If you do, everything will be just fine.

With Love and Pride,

Your 80-year-old-self


Stop Spinning and Focus on What You Can Control


Running Away from Challenges