How to S.H.I.F.T. Your Mindset to Thrive

In our book Magic Wizardry: The Magic Behind Thriving in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World, we show our readers techniques for mastering the skills of leading in a VUCA world and teaching others to do the same.

You have the responsibility to lead yourself so you can discover the path you need to follow to learn the skills and unleash the superpowers of thriving in a VUCA world. You can trigger a domino effect by helping others do the same. This is how you can help make a big difference, expanding your circles of influence and control.

By taking the role of a leader, coach, or peer influencer, you will be conquering the VUCA world, where the initial negative VUCA world filled with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, will turn into a more positive VUCA world of Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility/Adaptability.

So, how do we SHIFT our Mindset to thrive in a VUCA World? To coach yourself or to coach someone else, we developed a simple coaching model that we named S.H.I.F.T.

S = Set your goal

H = Highlight patterns and limiting beliefs

I =  Instill a shift in mindset

F=  Focus through commitment and consistency

T=  Transform your habits and sustain them


✅ The S.H.I.F.T method starts with setting your goal. This is where you focus on what you want to change and why.

✅ Next, you want to highlight patterns and limiting beliefs. It is important to understand your belief patterns, particularly those that inhibit the achievement of your goals.

✅ Then, you want to instill a shift in mindset by reframing beliefs and using positive self-talk.

✅ After that, revisit your goal and make a commitment to achieving it. Take small steps to improve your mindset and habits and start working towards this goal each day.

✅ Finally, you want to transform your habits and sustain them and you can do this through positive reinforcement of desired behaviors.

Skilled coaches do this by asking powerful, open-ended questions that get the other person to think, to acknowledge their emotions and to be more action oriented. This will also uncover core beliefs and will help them remove obstacles. If you are doing this for yourself, you can accomplish the same goal by journaling.


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