Fear is Your Friend

Fear doesn’t need to be an enemy; it can be your friend.

Fear informs you. Fear is telling you that you need to pay attention to something. Fear may be telling you to gather more information or perhaps to ask for help. It may be telling you to take action such as staying up later to study or to get up a little earlier. It informs you, but shouldn’t stop you from taking action. Fear is just another emotion like compassion or gratitude. Fear does not have to paralyze us.

Here are some practical tips that you can leverage to take control of your fears, anxiety, stress or other negative emotion that is resulting from an overwhelming challenge that you are facing.

✅Challenge your fears by asking, “Why am I fearful? What is my fear trying to tell me?” This will help you put fears in the right context and let them go.

✅Slow down and breathe.

✅Focus on the present moment, don’t dwell on the past nor the unknowns of the future.

✅Focus on the things that you can control rather than the things you can’t.

✅Protect what you feed your mind. Your beliefs and thoughts will lead the way and will determine your feelings, emotions, actions and results, Listen to your self-talk. Is it helping the situation or hindering it?

✅Prepare to take massive action but in small, achievable steps. Look for potential breakthrough moments and celebrate them.

✅Find someone trustworthy to serve as your accountability partner – a person who will serve as a mirror and will help you stay on track. Remember, you are never alone.

✅Associate with people that have your best interests at heart, whenever possible.

 Understanding these tips and following these actions will help you thrive and will help you guide others to do the same.


The Magic of Perseverance


The Magic is Within You